

[1] Simon M. Lucas, Alex Panaretos, Luis Sosa, Anthony Tang, Shirley Wong,  Robert Young, Kazuki Ashida, Hiroki Nagai, Masayuki Okamoto, Hiroaki Yamamoto, Hidetoshi Miyao, JunMin Zhu, WuWen Ou, Christian Wolf,  Jean-Michel Jolion, Leon Todoran, Marcel Worring, Xiaofan Lin, "ICDAR 2003 Robust Reading Competitions: Entries, Results and Future Directions", IJDAR International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, Vol 6 issue - pp.   -  , 2004 
The original publication is available on LINK at 

[2] Elisa Barney Smith   , David Monn, Harsha Veeramachaneni, Koichi Kise, Alessio Malizia, Leon Todoran , Adnan El-Nasan and Rolf Ingold , "Reports of the DAS02 working groups", IJDAR International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, Vol 6 issue 3 pp.  211 - 217 , 2003 
The original publication is available on LINK at 

[3] M. Aiello, C. Monz, L. Todoran and M. Worring, "Document Understanding for a Broad Class of Documents", IJDAR International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, Vol 5, issue 1, pp. 1-16, 2002. 
The original publication is available on LINK at 
[4] L. Todoran, M. Worring and A.W.M. Smeulders, "Data GroundTruth, Complexity and Evaluation Measures for Color Document Analysis", Proceedings of DAS'2002, Fifth IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems,Princeton, USA, August 2002.
[5] L. Todoran, M. Worring and A.W.M. Smeulders, "The UvA Color Document Dataset", ISIS Technical Report,No 2002-01, February 2002.
[6] J. Baan, A. van Ballegooij, J-M. Geusebroek, D. Hiemstra J. den Hartog, J. List, C. Snoek I. Patrasand S. Raaijmakers, L. Todoran, J. Vendrig, A. de Vries, T. Westerveld, and M. Worring. "Lazy Users and Automatic Video Retrieval Tools in (the) Lowlands ", in Proceedings of the 10th Text Retrieval Conference (TREC). NIST, 2001.
[7] M. Worring, B. Wielinga, F. Verster A. Anjewierden, L. Todoran, S. Kabel, and R. de Hoog. "Automatic indexing of text and graphics in technical manuals. ", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2001.
[8] L. Todoran, M. Aiello, C. Monz and M. Worring, "Document Understanding for a Broad Class of Documents", ISIS Technical Report,No 2001-15, October 2001.
[9] L. Todoran, M. Aiello, C. Monz and M. Worring, "Logical Structure Detection for Heterogeneous Document Classes", in Proceedings of the Document Recognition and Retrieval VIII,  SPIE, San Jose, California,  pp.99-110 , January 2001, ISBN 0-8194-3985-1.
[10] M. Aiello, C. Monz and L. Todoran, "Combining linguistic and spatial information for document analysis", in Proceedings of the RIAO'2000 Content-Based Multimedia Information Access, Paris, France,  pp.266 -275 , April 2000.
[11] L. Todoran, M. Worring, "Segmentation of Color Documents Images", Technical Report 21,Intelligent Sensory Information Systems Group, University of Amsterdam, 2000
[12] M. Worring, L. Todoran, "Segmentation of Color Documents by Line Oriented Clustering using Spatial Information", in Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR'99, Bangalore, India,  pp.67-70 , September 1999, ISBN 0-7695-0318-7.
[13] L. Todoran, M. Worring, "Segmentation of Color Documents by Line Oriented Clustering using Spatial Information", in Proceedings of the fifth annual conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, Heijen, The Netherlands,  pp.406-412 , June 1999, Advanced School for Computing and Imaging (ASCI), ISBN: 90-803086-4-1.
[14] S. Nedevschi, L. Todoran, "Inexact Matching in Bidimensional Recognition of 2D and 3D Objects from Intensity Images", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, pp. 37-40, June 1995.
[15] S. Nedevschi, L.Morar, S.Popescu, L. Todoran, I.Suveg, "Design of the Independent NC Axes Control for Machine Tools", in Proceedings of the DAAAM 95 International Conference, Krakow, pp. A1.1-6, Oct 1995.
[16] S. Nedevschi, L. Todoran, I.Suveg, "Presentation of the TMS320C5x DSP with Applications in Image Processing", in Proceedings of the Texas Instruments Workshop, Digital Signal Processing with TMS 320C 3X, 4X, 4X, 8X and Applications, Cluj-Napoca, pp. A1.17-57, Oct 1995.


           [1]  S.Nedevschi, L.Todoran - Microprocesoare, Technical University of Cluj 1994 (in Romanian).
           [2]  S.Nedevschi, I.Suveg, L.Todoran - Procesoare de semnale, UT Press, 1997 (in Romanian).